Tuesday 29 January 2008

Morning Update

Holy fuckin' bejeezus it's cold.

The delightful live temperatures page says it's -13. Elke says it's -16. Either way, it's chilly.

Nothing appears to be frozen however, and this is a good thing.

Going up the mountain to practise my mad skillz. I've finally started to get serious about learning to ride switch (that's riding the other way from your normal stance, for those of you who aren't rad enough to know these things) and in the process on Friday I fell over and whacked my right shoulder again.

BOTH my shoulders are running at around 80% these days. Don't quite know what's wrong with them, but they're NQR - if I fall asleep and roll onto my front with my head on one arm, there's much pain when I wake up and try to move. In fact, it requires me to try to roll over without using my arms for leverage. Who's a fuckin' old man now eh?

Well I better get off my ass. Time waits for no man.

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