Sunday, 9 December 2007

Reason, Snow Pictures

No snow yesterday, so some pictures instead.

Some snow.

Some snow, but I made it blueish.

Long shadows.

One of the mountains - I've made it look like a photo from the 70's or something though.

Sunlight on the snow.

I like the way the afternoon casts shadows on the snow - looks kind of like sand, or another planet.

Speaking of other planets, this could be Venus!

Or is it Uranus?

This is the path back to the camp ground, the sunset was casting a great light.

Today I started to rebuild the Jeep's front driveshaft. Getting it off was easy, but getting the universal joint out of the front was pretty darn hard.

With a little help from Kat I've installed the replacement. Tomorrow I've got to pull the CV joint apart and rebuild that. Not sure how well that will go, but we'll see!

Now for something a little unusual - I've been hard at work with Reason, and I'd like you to have a little listen to this (right click and save) - feel free to let me know what you think. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well I have no idea what that says but on to more important things, I like the track. Very impressed with it's professionalism. I had no idea how talented you are. Well done. Give us more.

Euan said...

keep snapping poo-man!!! I'm disappointed you're earlier posts re: rain were not countered by taking Bon-Bon up with you and sliding around tree trunks, clicking your heels and signing inane tunes.....try harder you femme-footed house-bitch!!!

Hi Kath!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Euan.

Bon Bon says hi.