Sunday, 2 December 2007

Early Morning Handyman Shit

Well it sure was freakin' cold last night. The forecast said -16C, looks like it got to (or below) -10C.

Got up last night to have a whizz, and lookee there no water. Kat has gone to work this morning without a shower. Lucky her.

I was going to go back to bed, but I thought that while I was up I may as well attend to the water situation. I thought it would be the inlet that froze up last time, so I pulled that off.... and to my surprise it was completely ok....

So then the well known process now of removing each segment of hose to fine out what's going on.

To my surprise it was the ONLY uncovered piece of hose (right next to the tap) that was frozen about 10cm deep. I tried a screwdrive, no luck. Next the drill came out - and I bored right through the ice..... (I noticed a few plastic shavings in my drill bit too... but never mind that).

So we have water. It's 08:13 - and I've already been outside with vice grips, a screwdriver and a drill........ what's life coming to!

I think I might go back to bed now.

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