Monday, 17 December 2007

Shredded Anniversary

Well as you might guess from my lack of posting, I've been pretty busy on the snow this week.

Snow - Friday
Kat was lucky enough to be free, and a more snow had fallen - so we hit the mountains. I had a great day, although there were still some icy patches on the steeper parts of the runs. Someone had issues with their goggles and didn't have a great day.

Snow - Saturday
Goggles fixed, and 20cm of fresh new powder. We rode from the very top of Whistler, all the way to Creekside. I have no idea how far that run is, but it took over an hour. Boy was I tired when we got to the bottom. We had a couple of beers for lunch, and then went back up the mountain. I was actually a bit pissed and tried to ride down to the Whistler Village. At half way I gave up....

Mental note: Three large beers for lunch is not a recipe for good riding.

Someone had sore toes, and took the easy (read: sensible) option of riding the gondola down.

We had a couple more drinks and some sausage for lunch. Yum. I was ready for bed at this point though....

Yesterday was our 2 year anniversary. How time flies when you're confined to a wheelchair.

Just kidding. Someone organised lots of very nice stuff for the occasion, someone did not.

Unfortunately it seems that I am the bad partner in this relationship.

Anyway. I dragged myself out of bed and we went to Araxi for dinner. I was half asleep when we got there, and still full from the sausage - so it took a while to get into it. It was a very nice dinner actually - but MAN is their wine list expensive....

My mum sent us a package for Christmas!

I haven't seen a package tied up with string for so long, and it looks very cool

I haven't opened it yet, but I'm not sure whether it will last until Christmas day...

Poo Valve
The replacement valves have arrived, but one looks too big! I have to go outside and check... I'll do that this afternoon.

Edit: Nope, looks like the right size - I foresee some repairs this coming weekend.

Enjoy Monday kids!

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