Saturday, 13 October 2007

We're still in Kansas, Toto!!

Tonight we're coming to you live from Oakley, Kansas. First a few pics so you don't get bored...

Of course, thanks to Blogger, they are all backwards. Never mind.

This is the sky this morning - the clouds were awesome....

I'm guessing these are water pumps or something?? Anyone who can tell us gets a prize.

Kansas is called the Sunflower State - so ... here's some sunflowers!

I believe this is Turkey Red Wheat - something else Kansas is famous for.

This is the view from the cockpit this morning. Let me tell you it wasn't helped by the fact the WINDSCREEN WIPERS WERE NOT WORKING!!!!!

A house. Y'all.

Here are some horses. The significance of which will become apparent shortly.

Now THIS is a sign we are familiar with. Yesterday at around 3pm, the turd decided to break down, in the middle of frickin' nowheresville, Kansas....

A quick diagnosis by Bohannan Motorsport indicated that it was probably the ignition coil. We rang for a tow, just in case, and I didn't go for the parts - as we were told the truck was 45 minutes away.

To cut a LONG story short (insurance sent the people to the wrong place, our local mobile phone died, and many other challenges), 8 hours later we were still looking at the horses and the sign. No parts, no truck, no love. We finally got a tow around 10:45pm, and were 50 miles back the wrong way.

This morning we were sleeping in the turd outside the mechanics. They looked at the turd, and after an hour or two and USD275 - it turned out to be the coil. ARGH!!!

Bah. Anyway. Yesterday sucked.

This is from St. Louis I believe.

Now who's this handsome guy in the pilot's seat?

The lord was with us. Or was that the sun. I'm not sure.

Tomorrow is Colorado. Wish us luck.


Euan said...

I like the you wished they funneled and touched ground??

Then you might've met Helen Hunt or Bill Paxton...

Did you go thru Mississippi or Alabama?

Leigh said...

I'm sure I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Don't think we went through either of those....

Anonymous said...

We crossed the Mississippi river but alas, did not venture through the Bible Belt states. Some other time.

Sonja said...

I don't think it's a water pump. It actually looks like an oil derek (oil well). At least that's what they look like out here in California.

Cool pictures, by the way. I'm originally from Seattle and all the BC pictures remind me of home.
