Monday, 22 October 2007

Meat and Coleslaw

After such a long time on the go it's kind of weird doing not very much.

In the morning yesterday we filled up the turd and a couple of small tanks with propane.

We pulled out the skirts for the motorhome and found they don't really fit. Not sure what we're going to do about that, perhaps buy new ones. Don't really fancy the idea of sub-zero wind flowing underneath the floor sucking out the heat.

With that enthralling stuff out of the way, it was time to hit the beer. So I did.

We'd bought a 1.5kg piece of rib-eye from the supermarket.... so it was steak for dinner... check these beauties out:

I cooked em a bit long actually - the little Weber seems to heat a little more ferociously than its big brother. Nevertheless the steak was still very tender and juicy enough - although not rare at all :(

Here I am tackling a bit of bone....

Wiping up....

...and cheers kids, time for another beer....

I believe I was in bed shortly after 9pm, fully clothed. Super effort.

I realised I haven't posted a picture of the Jeep since its makeover... so here it is, the new winterised urban look for 2007/08.....

Irritatingly one of the joints in the gray-water system is leaking. I tried spraying Leak Stop on it, but... it looks like the pipe is moving too much. Looks like I'll have to branch out into plumbing this week then......

I don't know whether this will be a regular occurrence, but todays word of the day is....

Defenestration -
the act of throwing a thing or esp. a person out of a window.

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