Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Bubble wrapping SIN city...

Today we drove to North Vancouver to get our SIN.
That's social insurance number, not a license to sin. Ho ho ho.

2 hours waiting for 5 minutes processing, that's government quality for you, world over.

To insulate the turd I have been placing bubble wrap on most of the windows. Like this....

It sounds stupid, but I've read that it works - and to the touch the window area is noticeably less cold.

Last night the window you can see in the right hand side of the picture above started leaking again. This morning we discovered it was due to a blocked drain hole in the frame. My only question is why does it only leak AROUND BEDTIME. Thankfully tonight I won't be having a cold and slightly damp sleep.

Dinner tonight was spectacular. Canadian salmon on the weber, server on a bed of mashed potatoes. Topped with a chili, onion, lemon, butter and cayenne pepper sauce. Accompanied by sauteed broccoli (in butter and lemon juice).

Someone has been doing all the cooking since we arrived, and it's been excellent.

Tomorrow I will be doing a bit of plumbing, some more bubble wrapping, and if the weather is nice (as it's supposed to be) maybe we'll get around Whistler a bit and see the sights....

...maybe we'll even find the cinema - two attempts have failed so far.


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