Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Mushrooms of Canadia

Yesterday turned out be a beautiful day, so we went for a small walk in the forest.

Disappointingly they're clearing some of it to make apartments or houses or something, so it kind of spoiled the tranquillity a bit.

So as usual I found strange things to take pictures of... they really do have fascinating fungal life here, so many different types of mushrooms that I've never seen before.

Like this one for instance.... looks kind of like a mushroom you'd see in a comic book or a computer game.

Everything was glistening, either from condensation or some kind of strange poisonous coating. Needless to say we didn't go around licking the 'shrooms to see what would happen.

Ahh abstract photography, my old friend. It's ART dammit!

These little guys grow out the side of a tree.... you can see there can be a few of them!

Excitingly, this is actually a bear claw mark. Apparently they like to mark the trunks as a territorial kind of thing.

I'm not sure whether that droplet on the left hand side of this mushroom is on the lens, or on the mushroom. Oh well.

Another classic looking mushroom.

A lot of these are very small. Not sure what the problem was yesterday, but had some issues getting focus lock and keeping the camera still. Might have been the awkward angles, and my desire not to get sopping wet on the ground.

These are maybe a couple of cm long..

Strange alien mothership mushroom.

Ahh the forest.

Guess once upon a time this tree was pretty darn tall.

Today we are off to Vancouver to buy a TV.... w00ty!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice pics mate

dr j.