Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Tuesday - Kat's birthday

Yes, today is Kat's birthday. Unfortunately she is not catching up. I am however holding up quite well today.

This morning .. you guessed it, there was shitloads of snow. It just never seems to end here....

Snowboarding update: This morning we had our first lesson. I have never had a proper one before, and I'm not sure if Kat has either. I found out all the stuff I was doing wrong - by this evening I think I've sorted SOME of them out and am now riding with a bit more mad skillz.

We did one run tonight under lights - it was awesome. All the mad skillz jap kids are out at night, and there was plenty of skill to go around. Unfortunately I was not one of those pulling off any tricks, but I was also not falling over. Thank the lord for small miracles.

Apparently vitamin C is good for sore muscles, so I've been hitting it up today - we shall see the effect - expect a report tomorrow!

Beer update: There are so many different kinds of Asahi, Sapporo and Kirin that the mind boggles a little. I will take a photo of the wall of beer when it's complete.

Must dash, shower time, then off to Kutchen for dinner...


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