Wednesday, 21 March 2007

C*ntass, journey, and sickness

Saturday 17th
06:30: Awaken and pack
09:15: Get on bus to New Chitose Airport
12:10: Arrive at airport
13:10: Plan to Haneda
14:45: Accidentally leave the baggage collection area, and cannot get back in. Nice Skymark airlines chappy gets our bags for us, quicker that we could have done it outselves.
15:30: On bus to Narita
17:00: Arrive at Narita to find massive queues, and eventually find we've been demoted to Economy. For some reason the baggage goes flagged as business class though.
19:30ish: At the gate they tell us there is ONE business class seat available, Kat kindly tells me to take it.
20:30: We take off, and I notice there are 3 free seats in Business Class. When asked about it, the shitty staff are suitably vague, and after a couple of hours Kat is told she cant go up to business because she IS WEARING JEANS?!

WTF?! I was in camo shorts, a t-shirt and a hat?! How does this work?!

I don't know what the story is with CUNTASS but there are many reasons I would not fly with them if I was paying full fare, and this kind of thing is one of them.... needless to say we were both extremely pissed off by this....

Anyway it was freakin hot in the plane, and we both had a shit sleep.

Promptly on Sunday I started to get sick, and have had the WORST sickness every for the last 3 days. Oh well.

Kat resigned yesterday. Doesn't seem to have caused that much of a stir yet.

Anyway probably my last entry for a while, unless random packing/moving thoughts are worthy. Will post some more photos next week when I get off my ass.


1 comment:

GreedIsGood said...

Love it Clarki-sun-des,

you had better made up for THAT journey by drinking shitloads of booze!!

Hope you've managed to get some big air as well as carvin' it up!! Post some frontside grab shots..... or a McTwist!