Thursday, 15 March 2007

Fermented Soybeans

I want to describe to you the first food that has ever made me nearly sick.

First a picture - innocuous looking isn't it?

That friends is a fermented soybean sushi roll. It was described in the menu as "tasting like blue cheese". Now I am a man that loves blue cheese, however, I did not love this. It had all of the smell of blue cheese, without any of the taste, and I nearly gagged.....

Thankfully the chef did not take umbrage at my indiscretion - he said that anyone south of Tokyo wouldn't eat it, and I figure that Melbourne counts as pretty well south of Tokyo!

This is Kutchan at night - it's a nice place, not much engrish goes on though. I counted at least 3 pokie/slot machine venues too - looks like the Japanese like a bit of mindless gambling as much as my brothers do.


Here is the restaurant that served (a) the fermented soybean abomination and (b) the best katsu don I have had so far anywhere. The chef was a top bloke too - he let us go without paying half the bill, as I didn't have enough cash...

This is a picture of me sporting my newest stylez: thermals under shorts - ROCKIN!!!!!

There are many barber shops in Kutchen. Fear my mad photographic skillz CHUNG!!!!

Rare cheese cake. Enough said.

In Kutchen you have to watch out for the barber poles chasing each other with scissors... ooh..

In japan you are never going to die of (a) thirst or (b) a need for a smoke.... Is that Tommy Lee Jones Jnr?!

Snowboardo-des update: I am now riding down the hill with ever increasing speed......

Fat update: I now have two rolls. The shame.....


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