Sunday, 30 December 2007

Worky Work Work

Bloody hell. Nothing to report, except we're both working.

I haven't been on the snow since Christmas Day.
Looking forward to next week when I'm going to have the whole freaking week off and ride.

I'm sure someone else is looking forward to their one day off this week (Sunday).

Time to go to work.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

The day that was......

HAPPY FESTIVUS!!!!!!! I hope you all told eachother what you really think this Christmas and took turns wrestling till the death in the inaugural 'Feats of Strength' challenge.

We had a white Christmas. Apparently that means it actually has to snow on the day. So if you already have 4 feet of snow outside, that doesn't count, it's not a white Christmas.

Well I worked today, alongside Whistler's finest. Management gave us choc chip cookies for our efforts. I had some terribly angsty customers and it was hell busy, and I didn't get out of there untill 3:30pm. That's an 8 hour shift selling tickets and wearing reindeer ears kids!!!

Got home, laid into the Gin pronto. Made a lovely call to Papic, someone's mother was not at home (again)

So anyway. Merry Christmas All! Hope you had a fantastic Day. Would be grand if you were here enjoying our Northern Christmas with us, but alas you're not, and where you are it is no doubt too hot and you all got pissed before you got to the pudding! YAYA!

All our love, be good, if you can't, be good at it!


Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Merry Non-denominational Holiday Season of Goodness

Hello kids, and merry non-denominational holiday greetings from us all here at Team Turd.

By now I guess you're full of food, and possibly onto your second function for those with multiple families. Hope you didn't eat too much turkey.

Anyway - we both hope you have a fantastic Christmas - I will be presenting the Pork Report tomorrow to advise on the status of Operation Brine Soaked Pork.

Someone sends lots of love, and I do too. Until tomorrow....

Edit: My Christmas present from StarChoice is a dodgy HD satellite box. Now I've got none of our recorded shows, no working guide, can't record anything and a new box on the way that might take over 10 days due to the holidays. Ripper.

Edit 2: Her Worshipfullness will be posting her own holiday greetings tomorrow. Please await the royal address.

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Pork, Work

So nothing too exciting for me to report snow-wise.

After my terrible effort on the morn of Kat's Alpine Adventure™, the two old ladies of the RV park (myself an Elke) had a quiet day on the slopes on Friday.

Our neighbour Andrew had been off talking to some photographer guy who shot one the snowmobile tours here in Whistler. Apparently he was keen for me to come down as well, so today I headed down there for a full day of shooting families on snowmobile expeditions, and riding around at high speed.

It was kind of weird working again, I feel a bit reserved about it - we shall see how it pans out.
Money will be helpful however.

Today I started work on Christmas dinner. I am preparing the pork as outlined in this recipe.

Here's a few of the ingredients to the left.

There are a few things that are new for me in this recipe.

Firstly I've never soaked any meat in brine before roasting it. Apparently it adds moisture to the meat and stops it from drying out during the cooking process. Coupled with the fact that this particular piece of meat is going to be roasted on the Weber, I hope it will be pretty special.

Secondly - mace. You can see it in the square container to the right. Until I read that recipe I had never heard of it.

On the off chance that you don't, it's the covering of the nutmeg seed. It smells like nutmeg to me, but more delicate....

When it's not ground (like I have) it's called a "blade" of mace. Very good.

So here's the brine mixture cooking up on the stove.

Apologies for the shitty picture, I can't be bothered spending 30 minutes getting it right tonight :)

Next up is the succulent piece of pork that will be sitting in the fridge for the next few days.

Technically it could probably sit outside, but I'm not sure whether it would be a good idea for a piece of pork to be outside, tempting the bears.

Anyway, it's in the fridge now.... I'll take a picture of it just before cooking.

I was interested to read this article in The Age - see I TOLD you
Bradley Murdoch was innocent!!

Off to work again tomorrow. Phew. Bedtime.

Friday, 21 December 2007

Me Vs the Mountain

Yesterday was a bit of an adventure. I finished work in the early afternoon and headed up Whistler with Andrew (our newly acquainted pommy next-door neighbour) We did a few powder lines, followed by a few tree runs and all was going well. Andrew spotted a single track off piste in the trees and we decided to check it out. The powder was waist deep, and after riding through some trees I was already questioning our decision to go there.

There was no real path and the trees were pretty dense. There didn't appear to be a decent line. Andrew pushed on and I followed. Then it got hell steep really quickly and we were flying through thick forest. I came to a ledge and had to grab onto a tree to slow myself down. It was too late to turn back, there was no way we could trek back up through waist deep snow on the side of the mountain. So I went for it. I saw the ledge more clearly as I approached and I shit myself. The first drop was about 3 meters. I swear I closed my eyes as I threw myself down. I made it, stunned and a bit rattled. I turned once and just as I had recovered mentally, there was a second cliff. This one was about 4 meters and it had a rock face. I thought I was in alot of trouble, but I had no choice but to drop down. Again I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. I made it, no injuries but as I dropped into the powder, I set off a mini avalanche. Shit myself again.

The scary stuff was behind us, we were both ok, but now we had to find a path to get down. We were still really high up and it was steep and trees were everywhere. I could see across to Blackcomb and it looked like we were headed into the valley between the 2 mountains. We slowly made it down. Turn by turn, heaps of faceplants and stacks. Lots of stuck boards, branches, logs and drop offs that you don't see until you fly off the end of them. We were doubting we would find a path out and it was getting frustrating....

But then we found something. A man made sign in the middle of the forest. We found a cat track. YEAH!!!! After surveying the area we decided which way to head, and then we saw that it was a 4.5 km hike back to Whistler along the track. It wasn't steep anymore, the track traversed along the side of the mountain, very slowly going downhill. We rode a tiny bit and tobogganed on our boards but mostly hiked back in thigh deep snow. Not pleasant.

It was getting dark, we nearly fell into a couple of creeks which again we couldn't see until we were almost in them. I was riding for a few hundred meters until I got stuck and had to unstrap my bindings. I had one leg out, and as I tried to stand up my free leg sunk into deep snow. I twisted awkwardly as I fell in. My left leg which was still strapped in took the impact and my knee twisted, shit it was painful.

The hike back was long, and tiring but after some time, we heard a lift running in the distance. We finally made it to a clearing and were able to ride down part of a run down to Whistler village. We could see all of the lights. We had travelled almost 3/4 of the way down the mountain by this stage and it was only a 200 meter ride down to the village. I couldn't believe we made it.

We started the descent at 2:15pm and made it to the village in the dark at 5:35pm. Beer time. A bit spooked but feeling pretty good. A day later, and my knees are screwed and I can't walk very steadily but I should be ok after a few days off.


Stay tuned...

...for Kat's Off Piste Adventure.

Thursday, 20 December 2007

Drinking and Snowboarding Don't Mix (or an Ode to Old Age)

So as I said, we've met out new neighbours - they're very nice, and are on a similar world tour as ours - although with a much bigger budget!

Seems like they've had an interesting life and an interesting trip - they sailed from Europe on their yacht and are planning on sailing to NZ next year. Imagine how cool that would be.


We had a few drinks (well a lot of drinks), some dinner and played a bit of poker with them last night. I suck at poker by the way.

This morning poor Kat had to get up at 05:30 again to go to work. I dragged myself out of bed at 07:30 to hit the slopes. Possibly a bad idea, as the visibility was terrible, and so were my skills. I'm sure that there's an inverse ratio between amount of beer consumed, and skills the next day.

I've managed to hurt my left shoulder during a nasty fall in zero visibility - and it went steadily downhill from that point. I've retired at lunchtime - in this case, discretion appears to be the better part of valour.

Really feeling under the weather today - going to hang around the RV this afternoon and do some housework....

Today is my mum's birthday - must be good to be 21 again. Happy Birthday!!

Time for a shower. Please enjoy, I will be!

Wednesday, 19 December 2007


Proper blog post will be there for you tomorrow morning. Promise.

Have to go get food, having dinner with our new neighbours - like civilised human beings - how very odd!!

Monday, 17 December 2007

Shredded Anniversary

Well as you might guess from my lack of posting, I've been pretty busy on the snow this week.

Snow - Friday
Kat was lucky enough to be free, and a more snow had fallen - so we hit the mountains. I had a great day, although there were still some icy patches on the steeper parts of the runs. Someone had issues with their goggles and didn't have a great day.

Snow - Saturday
Goggles fixed, and 20cm of fresh new powder. We rode from the very top of Whistler, all the way to Creekside. I have no idea how far that run is, but it took over an hour. Boy was I tired when we got to the bottom. We had a couple of beers for lunch, and then went back up the mountain. I was actually a bit pissed and tried to ride down to the Whistler Village. At half way I gave up....

Mental note: Three large beers for lunch is not a recipe for good riding.

Someone had sore toes, and took the easy (read: sensible) option of riding the gondola down.

We had a couple more drinks and some sausage for lunch. Yum. I was ready for bed at this point though....

Yesterday was our 2 year anniversary. How time flies when you're confined to a wheelchair.

Just kidding. Someone organised lots of very nice stuff for the occasion, someone did not.

Unfortunately it seems that I am the bad partner in this relationship.

Anyway. I dragged myself out of bed and we went to Araxi for dinner. I was half asleep when we got there, and still full from the sausage - so it took a while to get into it. It was a very nice dinner actually - but MAN is their wine list expensive....

My mum sent us a package for Christmas!

I haven't seen a package tied up with string for so long, and it looks very cool

I haven't opened it yet, but I'm not sure whether it will last until Christmas day...

Poo Valve
The replacement valves have arrived, but one looks too big! I have to go outside and check... I'll do that this afternoon.

Edit: Nope, looks like the right size - I foresee some repairs this coming weekend.

Enjoy Monday kids!

Friday, 14 December 2007

Shafting, Snow, Boots, Work

Hah don't get excited, it's not me working - Kat has been putting in the mid-week hours this week, and is working quite a lot next week I believe. Ahh income, it's a beautiful thing.

There is allegedly a possibility that I will also be doing some work over Christmas, but we shall see.

There was a nasty vibration above 50km/h on the Jeep yesterday morning when driving Kat to work.

Imagine my horror when I looked at the differential/drive shaft mount and saw that I HADN'T BOLTED IT IN PROPERLY.

Thankfully no damage, and 30 minutes of lying in the melting snow later it was fixed, and seemingly fine....

Given we both have new boots we decided to sell the old ones on eBay.

Imagine the combined horror when Kat's boots went for USD0.99.

Thankfully the guy who bidded was kind enough to offer $40 for them when I told him that we couldn't sell em for that price, so perhaps everything ends well on that front too.

Snow Update
FINALLY it has been snowing. Yesterday was ok, today was much better again.

When there's powder on the ground I'm a lot more fearless than when it's a solid block of ice, so today had a good couple of hours. I'm saving myself for tomorrow, which should be an awesome day..

I'm now riding pretty confidently and a LOT quicker than before. Tomorrow I'd like to ride from the very top of the mountain all the way to the base. Not sure how long it would take, but I'd say about an hour. Next week I might hit the n00b slope and try riding switch.. that should be frustrating fun.

Wednesday, 12 December 2007


Lordy wordy, the stupid drive shaft is assembled, clipped and mounted back on the Jeep.

Despite putting all the pieces in a zip-lock bag I managed to lose one of the lock washers - oh well, can get a new one tomorrow.

The ordeal is over, for now.

It's snowing tonight, so tomorrow it's up the mountain I go.


Shafty Shaft Shaft

Continuing with my series of Things People Don't Really Give A Shit About (With Pictures) I present to you the current status of Operation Driveshaft.

Well here's the end that goes into the front differential. It looks worse than it is, most of that gunk is just grease and dirt stuck in the grease. You can see the universal joint clearly (that's the piece that's a cross which has two bearing caps in the yoke, and two free). On the top you can see the restraining clip (in the depression in the yoke) which we will talk about later.

This is the other end. It's technically called a double cardan joint, although you may see it referred to as a CV (Constant Velocity) joint. It has two universal joints, and a centering ball. This end is attached to the transfer case.

Here's one of the old u-joints that we removed. As you can see, I didn't do a great job of getting everything off without the needle bearings going everywhere - good thing I'm not using them again.
Actually they didn't look in too bad shape... never mind, can't hurt to replace them.

I took the next two photos after cleaning the assembly, to remind me how it all goes back together. Didn't stop me from assembling it back to front though. Grr....

Here's a shot of the disassembled joint. You can see the centering socket in the middle, and my trusty can of PB Blaster. Don't leave home without it.

This is the centering ball. Irritatingly this was a non-repairable centering ball/socket assembly. Thanks, Jeep.

Well all seems good right? WRONG! Despite the stoic assistance of Madame Katherine, we cannot get the last two restraining clips back in. Today I will pull it all apart again and pray that one of the needle bearings hasn't fallen into the top of the bearing cap. ARGH!

Let me assure you that given a proper workshop I feel capable of doing every single job I've attempted in the snow in about 1/10th of the time. For future reference, a picnic bench is NOT my recommended work surface.

Tonight I'm attempting to make Char Sui on the Weber. Am a bit nervous about this, there are big expectations to live up to - those of you who have had the privilege to eat at Château Clark in Sandringham know what I mean.

Until later,

Señor Grease Monkey

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Reason, Snow Pictures

No snow yesterday, so some pictures instead.

Some snow.

Some snow, but I made it blueish.

Long shadows.

One of the mountains - I've made it look like a photo from the 70's or something though.

Sunlight on the snow.

I like the way the afternoon casts shadows on the snow - looks kind of like sand, or another planet.

Speaking of other planets, this could be Venus!

Or is it Uranus?

This is the path back to the camp ground, the sunset was casting a great light.

Today I started to rebuild the Jeep's front driveshaft. Getting it off was easy, but getting the universal joint out of the front was pretty darn hard.

With a little help from Kat I've installed the replacement. Tomorrow I've got to pull the CV joint apart and rebuild that. Not sure how well that will go, but we'll see!

Now for something a little unusual - I've been hard at work with Reason, and I'd like you to have a little listen to this (right click and save) - feel free to let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Water water, nowhere.

It would be great for one week to go past without having to fix something.

Yesterday the water pressure was a bit low in the morning, and as I wandered to the toilet I heard the sound of a babbling brook. Wait, that's not a brook, it's flowing from the stinking water hose!!

Seems like when I drilled out the ice the other day I nicked the inside of the hose, and under the pressure it had ruptured. Great.

So we got a new hose, pulled all the insulation off the old hose, and re-wrapped the heat tape on the new one.

All good.... or so I thought.

It seems however that I neglected to put the thermostat for the heat tape outside of the little sheltered box where the tap is. So this morning, frozen water again.

Nothing too dramatic, it seems that the metal joins freeze first (I guess metal is a good conductor of heat) but this time the filter has also frozen a bit - it's sitting in the sun at the moment.

Thankfully I've restored water, boy I love cold, numb hands in the morning.

Don't think we're going up the mountain today - it was so icy yesterday, and there's not been any new snow.

I'm pretty excited actually - I've heard of a new project that rogue and cannibal will be doing in the new year.... stay tuned.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

Irritable Poo Syndrome

Last night I had really strange dreams.

I was here, in the Marketplace car park, trying to start the Evo so I could sell it to an old friend.
It wouldn't start of course.

I also (for some reason) required a contact lens for my left eye.

I don't know what it all means, but sometimes my subconscious needs to just go and get sorted out.

Poo Valve Update
I figured that today since it was above freezing, and not raining, would be a good day for messing around with poo. First I cleared a small work area in the snow, and then drilled three holes into the exposed plate. A few test yanks implied that the valve was still frozen shut.

Out comes the trusty ceramic heater (I'm pretty sure though that using household appliances outdoors in the snow isn't recommended, so don't try this at home kids) and I apply 5 minutes of heat to the valve.

I clamp on the vice grip, give it a tug, and whoosh, the valve opens, and a delightful spray of urine and faeces flow both down the pipe, and out of the valve. Yum, poo flavoured snow!! I quickly move the tarpaulin out of the way (it's got poo water on it though) and do a little poo avoiding dance.

It's a good thing I have a clear elbow so I can see the poo flowing. If you've never done so, I recommend you don't bother - although there IS something surreal about seeing semi-dissolved toilet paper and brown water flowing through the pipe.

So now all I need is some replacement valves, and we're opoorational!

Snow Update
Visibility on the mountain today was like 5-10m. Wasn't feeling confident to fly down the hill while unable to see any of the features of the landscape, so... hopefully tomorrow will be better!

TV Update
Some shows to keep an eye out for if you haven't already - ReGenesis and Life. Life just finished its season here in Canadia - ReGenesis is a few years old I think, but not too bad.


Wednesday, 5 December 2007


Some things I forgot to mention, that have now lost their meaning a bit. Oh well.

Yesterday a snowmobile rider was attempting to be a hero and jump off a large pile of snow. This was all good until he fell off, and had to chase the snowmobile across the snow. Unfortunately he caught up with it before it hit the trees. Funny nevertheless.

Kat was walking to the laundry, and slipped. Not that funny, but when her next step was thigh deep in the garden, and she was lying in the snow - very funny. I had to help her up, because she was stuck. If only I had my camera....

Someone has a new hatchback Subaru Impreza. It looks like a combination of a Focus and a Civic. My only question, where do I mount the huge wing?!

Jeep Updates
I'm nearly mentally prepared to do this and this to the Jeep. I've gotten some u-joints, and a grease gun in aid of this.

The pad heaters I installed on the oil pan and the battery sure make a difference. It starts MUCH better now and comes up to the lowest operating oil pressure much quicker.

I think I'm going to replace the thermostat we put in when we were in Florida, as up here we could sure do with a bit more heat...

Snow Update
Last night I shovelled about 60cm of snow off the roof of the turd. That was fun. In the process I cracked the plastic housing of the forward air conditioner. ARGH!!

Thankfully there were vents where I cracked it, so it's not like I have ruined the integrity of the unit.

We also dug a little driveway for the Jeep.

While we were out there, Kat had a great idea for a photo - the ice on the branch of the tree.

They didn't turn out very well as I don't have a tripod, but still... the idea is there.

I must try to re-take this shot some time.

No mountain today. Just rain. Poo.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007


Holy crap over the last day or so it's dumped around 60cm of snow.

To give a sense of scale without pictures....
  • It was knee deep.
  • The snow was nearly up to the top of the Jeep's tires.
  • The boards were completely buried.
I dug up the scraper, got most of the snow off the Jeep, dug up the boards, and was ready to go.

Unfortunately I've learnt that it's best to clear a path for the vehicle, as there was so much snow it was basically up to the floor pan.

So there I was, lying under the Jeep, getting the snow out from underneath the diffs, and trying to clear a path for it. Alas, even in low ratio 4WD it didn't want to come out. A bit of rocking backwards and forwards did it in the end though. The Kipper would be proud.

This afternoon we will be purchasing a big snow shovel, and I'll be getting on the roof to clear the snow from it. I win.

Despite the immense amount of snow, the mountains were closed due to high wind, and for some strange reason it was raining. We managed a couple of runs in the knee deep, wet powder before adjourning for the day soaked through.

I am pleased to report though that I am nearly at the point where riding is an unconscious activity.
I am not attempting to ride while unconscious though. I'm hopeful that by the end of this week I'll be ready to tackle riding switch.....

Please enjoy!

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Transfer Case

Well I thought I was going to go back to bed this morning, but despite being a bum it seemed to be a waste of the day.

So a few coffees and a bit of procrastination later, I decided to change the fluid in the transfer case of the Jeep - I've noticed some fluid leaking from it recently and wanted to fill it - I'll check it again in a month or so and see exactly how bad it is.

It's so cold that my giant socket set (and the spare wheel) had frozen solid to the carpet in the Jeep. It's kind of crazy.

I still have to drop the front drive shaft off to see whether that cures the sqeaking, and I still have to tackle the poo valve. I figure since today it never got above -10C I have an excuse. Allegedly it's going to snow tonight and all of tomorrow but somehow get to +8C on Monday and +7C on Tuesday - I figure anything above freezing is a good day for poo valves.

Been feeling really tired and kind of ill today. Dunno what that's all about.

Until tomorrow's scintillating update!

Early Morning Handyman Shit

Well it sure was freakin' cold last night. The forecast said -16C, looks like it got to (or below) -10C.

Got up last night to have a whizz, and lookee there no water. Kat has gone to work this morning without a shower. Lucky her.

I was going to go back to bed, but I thought that while I was up I may as well attend to the water situation. I thought it would be the inlet that froze up last time, so I pulled that off.... and to my surprise it was completely ok....

So then the well known process now of removing each segment of hose to fine out what's going on.

To my surprise it was the ONLY uncovered piece of hose (right next to the tap) that was frozen about 10cm deep. I tried a screwdrive, no luck. Next the drill came out - and I bored right through the ice..... (I noticed a few plastic shavings in my drill bit too... but never mind that).

So we have water. It's 08:13 - and I've already been outside with vice grips, a screwdriver and a drill........ what's life coming to!

I think I might go back to bed now.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Bitches Boots

Holy crap is it Friday already?

Well the wireless network around here has been down randomly for the last couple of days - but it appears that they've done some upgrades, and I'm now cruising along at around 50k/sec.


Snow Update
Ahh man this week has kind of sucked. I went to get fitted for new boots. Turns out that the stupid motherfuckers at Trigger Brothers fitted me with a boot one size too big!!!

No wonder my feet have been killing me. Reluctantly I purchased a new pair of boots. You can see a picture of them to the left. If you are a very astute reader, you might glean that they are made by Thirty Two. If you are even more astute you'll figure out that they are Lashed boots. To reach the pinnacle of astute-ness you will realise that they are the WOMENS lashed.... my teeny little feet can apparently fit well into boots for bitches..... pity they didn't have 'em in pink.

Well the boots are HEAPS more comfortable. Then the bindings were too tight. The pain. THE FUCKIN' PAIN. Today I think I had the setup sorted... I look forward to Monday - when I'm gonna fuckin' RIP THE SHIT up. Yeah.

The Mechanist
Well I've been procrastinating about the poo valve. I've got some bolts, and tomorrow will attempt some drilling. It's going to be a bit of a challenge to align the holes correctly.... Hopefully I can pull it off.

Today I fitted the engine and battery heaters to the car - it's been freakin' FREEZING here this week. Tonight it's -7 already..... and it's 18:32...

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Shred the snow!

Snow Update
Man what a day. As you can see from the picture below, it snowed a fair bit last night.

You can just see a mug poking out from the snow to give you a sense of scale.
The mountain says 22cm. I agree with them. There was plenty of snow around the campground too.

Poor old Weber was covered in snow too.

Shred Update
Man it was like being in Japan - there was so much powder my main concern was going fast enough not to bog down, and going slow enough so I didn't have to retired to the turd to change my underwear. I really feel like things are coming together now.

I was totally blown away while riding the lifts up Blackcomb - the resort is just HUGE. I can't wait until everything is open. You could probably ride for an hour downhill...

We had to quit after lunch, but an 08:30 to 13:30 session ain't too bad.

People Pics
Here's me in my new outfit. Dunno what's wrong with this picture, but I look all dwarf-like... Someone needs to work on their photography skillz.

I kind of like this photo though, has a nice light to it, and a little monkey dancing on a table.

Ready for some food, and some sitting on my ass now.



It's snowed a shitload since yesterday afternoon, so we're up to the mountain nice and early to catch the fresh powder. Blog post with morning pictures, a bit later on this afternoon!

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Housewifery, Drive Shafts, NFL, Pizza

Big day yesterday.

Washed some dishes, vacuumed the floor, tidied the turd. Had the football on.
Minnesota CANED the giants, and Philadelphia (not the cheese, the Eagles) NEARLY ended the Patriots unbeaten run. I can feel your care factor dropping.

The Jeep has developed two annoying issues.
1. I think the serpentine belt needs to be tightened.
2. There's a squeak coming from the front of the car when it's cold. I *think* it's one of the joints on the front drive shaft (I don't want to entertain the possibility that it's one of the joints in the wheel right now).

Grr. Just for once it would be nice if everything would go smoothly. The belt is pretty easy, but to see whether it's the drive shaft joints I need to unbolt the front drive shaft. Not a hard job, but it's cold and I'm soft.

Made pizza using the Weber last night. Turned out quite well for a first go - even my hand made dough was ok.
Pizza 1. was left over rib meat, BBQ sauce, and bacon. Could have done with a bit more BBQ sauce to be honest, but wasn't bad.
Pizza 2. was salsa, and left over chilli con carne. Also not bad.

Well off to the bathroom, the shower, and the mountain. Hopefully it's going to snow today, but if the snow's crap up there I'm coming home to work on the Jeep. Actually I'll probably be doing that anyway. Oh well.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Poo, Nachos, Razor

Poo Update
Yesterday I cut off the end of the waste valve to see if I could manually actuate the blade. There's nothing quite like the smell of poo-flavoured ice. No wonder I didn't eat anything until late in the day.

Unfortunately, even though I cut right down to where the valve meets the pipe, the blade is too far in for me to grab it with the pliers.

So tomorrow I will call a septic tank service and find out how much it will cost to get them to come and pump the toilet out. Once that's done, I should be able to unbolt the valve (and probably catch the remaining poo into some kind of receptacle, we shall call it the Poo Chalice) and replace it.

I'm really not looking forward to it, but by the same token I don't want to spend several hundred dollars on getting someone else to do it either. I also don't want to end up wearing a poo hat.

Scarily I'm pretty sure I had a dream about working on the poo valve last night....

Frozen Water Update
The wrapping we've applied to the fresh water intake appears to have stopped the water from freezing at night, although it was quite cloudy again last night.

It's pretty annoying having to leave the warm turd and tramp over to the toilets in the middle of the night. Could be worse I guess. I could be covered in turd.

I made nachos last night. Man they were good. That is all.

Battlestar Galactica
So last night was the long awaited TV movie "Razor". I admit it was kind of disappointing. First of all casting someone with a terrible Australian accent just didn't work. I don't know what it is about our "accent" that is so disturbing on TV, but it makes me cringe. Perhaps it's just repressed memories of Crocodile Dundee. Thanks, Paul Hogan.

I also didn't really give that much of a shit about the back story they were filling. If they were trying to vindicate Admiral Cain's decisions, they didn't do a very good job. Enough nerd stuff for one day.

It's Sunday here in Canadia, which is NFL game day so I get to hang arond the turd and get my fill of football.

Enjoy work peeps :p

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Ride baby ride!

Snow Update
There's been no snow here now for a week. Friday the snow was getting a bit crusty, and some brown patches were poking through where the grooming machines had been.

A great day on Thursday with my mad skillz returning, followed up by yesterday morning, where my mad skillz disappeared like a stray muffin left on a desk in the COE at GE.

I can only hope that it's due to tiredness after 6 straight days, otherwise this is going to be a long and frustrating winter.

Someone has been showing off and practising her mad switch skillz. Both of us are making a little air now, but alas the backside 540 still eludes me.

Turd Update
The skies have been completely clear the last few nights, leading to nights of below -5C.
On Thursday morning we turned on the tap, and waited for the water, and nothing came out.

The only part of the fresh water system that wasn't insulated and heated was the fresh water inlet on the side of the turd - and it had frozen due to the cold.

Yesterday we applied bubble wrap to the last part of the hose, and taped down the heat tape right up to the end - the final touches being more wrap around the end of the hose and the inlet.

This morning the water was fine, but the next few days of -8C to -10C at night will tell.

I still haven't tackled the poo valve. I can feel the hacksaw and gloves coming out this afternoon.

Moon Update
Last night I went outside to have a whizz and looked up at the moon - I can't remember what it's called but there was a cool ring around the moon as you can see.

Nothing like the noise from the high ISO settings huh?

I spent more than an hour this morning installing Photoshop CS3 again. I have no idea what the hell is up with that installer - it takes so damn long.

So I've run them through Noise Ninja, and though the noise has been reduced, I'm not sure whether the final product is as good. Oh well.

That's all for today. On my schedule is washing clothes, drying clothes, washing dishes, trying to dump the black tank and perhaps a bit of music.

Toodle pip!

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Poo glorious poo!

Oh man, the unthinkable has happened - the blade valve that seals the poo inside the black water tank has broken.

It must have frozen while closed, and when I tried to open it, the shaft has broken away from the actual valve - so we're stuck with a 3/4 full tank of poo, and no way to get it out!

According to this post I should be able to dump the tank even with the broken valve, and then I'll just have to get a new one and somehow fix it. Handyman Leigh to the rescue again.

I will tackle Phase One of Operation Poo Dump tomorrow afternoon.

Wish me luck.

Pain glorious pain..

Well the theme for this week has got to be foot pain.

I think we've both decided now that our boots don't fit properly. Mine are a teeny bit large, and Kat's are too narrow in the toe, and too big in length. Thanks very much to whoever sold them to us.

I don't remember my front foot being this painful in Japan, although I also just read that it could be that my stance is too narrow (interestingly I narrowed the stance on my board last week.....)

So not sure where to from here. I've got some new inner soles, and I'll widen my stance - desperately trying anything to avoid needing new boots...

I think Kat is at the end of her tether though, so... guess she'll be workin' some overtime to pay for em (guess I'll be getting a slap on the head when she reads this :))

It's been a frustrating week. I don't feel like I'm progressing, because I can't concentrate on my technique when my foot feels like someone's sawing it off. Might take the afternoon off, fiddle with the board, and try again in the morning.

It must have been freakin' cold last night, because this morning the condensation on the INSIDE of the window frame was frozen solid. The only issue we're having in the RV so far is that where the mattress is against the wall at night, condensation forms. So far we've been able to dry it out each day by moving the mattress away from the wall.

Tomorrow is the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA - I imagine that Whistler is soon to be swamped by our American friends.

Well best get fiddling then!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Ribs 'n' riding...

Continuing my successes with the Weber, 2 nights ago we cooked baby back ribs.

Man were they tasty - I can thoroughly recommend trying the "indirect cooking" method (basically just having something between the meat and the heat).

Also the ribs we got from the supermarket were above and beyond anything I've ever managed to procure in Melbourne - there was so much meat on them it wasn't funny. Forget Squire's Loft...

Some good info here. I also recommend spending the time to remove the membrane from the ribs, I've never done that before and it sure makes for a nicer texture.

Yesterday was our first day on the mountain.

Someone spent all their time complaining about their boots.

I started the season spectacularly by planting my face vigorously into the snow. It made my entire skull ache a little, and I had to take a moment to breath deeply and wait for the world to come back into focus.

Other than than that it felt like a lacklustre day. The strap that tightens the cuff fell off my new jacket, and I managed to gouge a chunk out of the bottom of my board. The board is in for repairs, and I exchanged the jacket. Oh well.

I remain a little disappointed with the robustness (or lack thereof) of the Vapor. For the large price tag one expects that it doesn't fall apart when one looks at it.

On the positive side we're both in one piece.

Snow Report: Allegedly no new snow last night, so we're going to pick up my board, my season pass, and cruise up the mountain to check it out.


Monday, 19 November 2007

Ooh the anticipation!!

Going up the mountain this morning. Can't wait. Stay tuned for report later on today.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Reason, Chicken, Gates, Google and Snow

Reason 4 has been getting a good workout. Feel quite inspired, and hopefully there will be some results for you to hear soon!

This morning was Kat's first day at work, so I got up and drove her there at 07:00.

Then back to bed as I was feeling a bit crook after too many peanut butter M&Ms late in the game last night. Ahh this is the life.

If you have never roasted meat in a Weber, I can honestly say you haven't lived yet.

Last night we roasted a chicken in the lil' Weber Q we have - oh boy - the meat was so moist and succulent, and that was even without the official Weber Roasting Trivet accessory. I also roasted some garlic heads, and made a garlic/seeded mustard/mayo dip/sauce for the chicken. Served accompanied with Kat's special sautéed asparagus and broccoli. Yum.

I've been wondering for a while whether I've seen the Johnny Depp movie "The 9th Gate". Last night it was on so we tuned in. I really think I have seen it before, but it's just so bad that I'd blocked it from my mind. I'm gonna go with a "not recommended".

Yesterday I found out that Google Mail has an SMTP gateway that I can use to relay mail from anywhere in the world, so no more webmail for me! The joys of Outlook return.

Finally, today is the first day of the season. Once Kat's finished work we'll get my season pass, and if there's enough time hit the slopes. If not, tomorrow morning first thing. Yee har!!

Friday, 16 November 2007

Snow and Alternation

This is the scene that greeted my emergence from the turd this morning.

I wasn't actually able to get out at first, as we'd left the awning slightly down and under the weight of the snow it was stopping the door from opening.

Thankfully I managed to get through the small crack that the door could open (well I guess it can't be that small, because nether am I).

I then had the pleasure of getting all the snow off the roof without my gloves, as I couldn't get in...

All the plants were covered in snow....

Ahh a rustic, winter scene. The turd, and the Jeep amongst the white...

With all that snow on top of it, the camouflage is even more effective.

Apparently the satellite doesn't work very well with snow on it. You can see the precision engineered plywood skirting around the bottom of the turd. I need to get a couple more pieces to finish it off.

Ahh... tree...

This will be our Christmas tree this year, once Blip Industries gets their waterproof LED lights ready (*hint hint Ben*).

The picnic table, on which I will be some kind of gnarly tricks later on this season (most likely some kind of bone breaking one).

Here are the log cabins that are just next to us. They look much nicer in the snow.

So you might think to yourself that today wouldn't be a great day to crawl around under the Jeep. After putting it off yesterday, I thought it best to get the alternator replacement procedure done before any MORE snow....

...and it's done successfully! Thanks to the weather for starting to RAIN about half way through it though. I can assure you that lying in the slush is about as much fun as it sounds. Brr..

Well I'm off to return the old alternator to get my $60 core charge back, find some lunch, and do the washing. I rule.

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Snow glorious snow!

This evening the heavens have opened, and it's been snowing non-stop since about 3pm.

At least 10-15cm have landed on top of the turd and the Jeep - we had to quickly put in the awning before it buckled under the weight of the snow.

Even had to engage 4wd mode on the Jeep, lest we not make it out of the Boston Pizza carpark.
Just FYI Boston Pizza isn't too bad for chain pizza (even though it's Canadian, and not from Boston).

Tomorrow morning I will emerge from the turd, camera in hand - for some pictures of our snowy landscape!!

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Bang that Thumb

Although not as impressive as falling off a roof, today during my building activities I managed to hit my thumb with the hammer. It hurts.

Today I started to assemble a plywood skirt that goes around the RV to stop the cold getting in underneath. Subjectively it seems to have worked so far.

I also discovered that the alternator in the Jeep has broken, so I guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow!! It's supposed to be -5C tonight..... that might make it fun - car repairs in the snow!


Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Back to School

I'm sure you're all dying to hear about my first day of training as a proud new Whistler Blackcomb employee.... I know I was dying to get up at 6:50am for the first time in, well about 5 years.

Leigh woke up early to make me coffee and cook me a lovely breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, sausage, mushroom and tomato before driving me to Whistler Creekside. It snowed all morning, dumping about 20cm as the first heavy storm system passed through the region.

Of the 65 people in the training session about 80% were fellow Australians and New Zulanders. It's like a plague. Anyway, they taught us very basic customer service and sales principles via role play (yay) and how to look alert whilst still hungover (seriously) Then off to the computer lab to learn about their awesome ticket selling system. Just easy stuff today though, different ticket packages and such. Tomorrow we're taking on 'how to process a ticket refund' A resounding WOW!!!!!!

But I do get some cool benefits, like a season lift ticket, discount tickets for friends, 2 for 1 unlimited fresh tracks all season, 10% off retail, 50% off food & 20% off beverages. Plus a nice uniform and more.. all exchange for my attendance for 16 hours per week. Oooo, and training this week is paid. Nice :-)

I'm sure I'll hate it before the end of the week.

Darkly Dreaming Dexter

There should be a new law developed, similar to Murphy's Law - I'm not sure what it should be called, but for now let's just refer to it as Clark's Law.

Simply put, the law states that if there is anything you actually WANT to watch on Cable/Satellite TV, then you will NEVER have the subscription to that channel....

We kind of got a bit addicted to Dexter (no not the cartoon, the one about the serial killer) and were excited to see that the new series was on last night.


Negative Houston, instead I will download it, at 15k/second.

How freakin' annoying is that? Why does a series screen on a MOVIE CHANNEL?! I don't WANT movies. And they wonder why people PIRATE stuff... sheesh...

So this morning we're up early as Kat has to go to "training" for her new job. I have to ring this afternoon to see whether I am fit for menial food and beverage work.

Snow Update: last night it rained and rained and rained. This morning however there was still some snow on the Jeep, and the mountain is white nearly all the way to the base.... fingers crossed kids - looks like it's coming good!

Man I gotta get me some of these chilli.

Saturday, 10 November 2007

Random Snippets

Not surprisingly we were watching some TV today (we did go for a couple of walks too).

I don't know whether you can read the text on this brand of detergents, but it strikes me as kind of.... strange.

Perhaps the creators of Stargate didn't realise that a Jaffa was a lolly, orange on the outside, chocolate on the inside....

I tell you after watching all these CSI shows, a criminal would be absolutely shit scared to do anything, lest he leave a trace of anything behind that a crack squad could find. I mean, according to these shows if you even fart on a crime scene, the exhaust particles from your anus would leave DNA which could then be traced back to you....

Last, but certainly not least, Benny Cousins continues to demonstrate the abilities that make him my all time AFL hero.

Off to LA, get picked up by some chicks at the airport, and then off for a bender (while supposed to be in rehab). I need to get his number, he can probably give me some tips as to what to do when you're unemployed....

Technically though I guess he's not really an AFL player anymore.


Hope you're having a ripping weekend. Fingers crossed for the snow please!

Friday, 9 November 2007

One job down...

Well apparently one of is is much more attractive to recruiters.

Kat had her interview this morning, and by this afternoon they'd already rung back to say that she had the job.

Hmm. I don't know what else to say but congratulations.

I guess I'll just be ringing them back with the rest of the muppets on the 12th....


Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Mood: Incredulous

Dear diary, mood.... apathetic.

Haha, not quite.

But get this, I just got knocked back for a ticket validation job.

Man my career really IS over huh?!

Apparently there were other candidates with "more experience".
Apparently my lack of a job at a fast food outlet has proven to be my Achilles heel!

Tomorrow I have another interview for some even crappier job. I dunno what's the point really, but I wont bother wearing anything nice. Perhaps if I turn up with a hangover looking like a bum I might have a better chance.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007


Man you'd think I was busy, cause I'm that freakin' rooted.


The satellite is hooked up, the proper HD looks fantastic. So many channels, of crap.

I was amazed to see that here, instead of the nice categories that Foxtel is split up into for easy viewing pleasure, it's just one GIANT list here. Chalk that up for one thing we do better.

I had my "interview" with Whistler Blackcomb this morning, it was kind of hillarious.
They even asked the usual behavioural questions - how on earth do snowboard bums answer those?! Anyway. I dunno. I have to ring them back on the 11th or 12th or something.


Monday 05/11 - Satellite Day Part One

Oooh can you feel the anticipation. The satellite man is coming at 2pm!!

Firstly I'd like to showcase the first part of my engineering effort to make sure the TV doesn't fall over, and the shelf doesn't brake. Behold, son of Log.

Somehow the lumber yard had a piece of wood exactly the right thickness...... the gods of television smile upon us.

Oooh our shiny new DVR box:

I can barely wait for the man to come and switch it on so we can watch 1000000 channels of nothing!! YEAH!!!! Irritatingly the box only has DVI out, not HDMI, so the audio goes over regular stereo cables. I am considering a Logitech surround system for the turd, but we shall see.

A further update will be made post-installation.

Monday, 5 November 2007

Television, the drug of the nation....

Well since getting the TV we haven't really done much, except for go on walks up the hill and... watch TV. So far the viewing has been either Oz or Babylon 5 - the satellite feed will be connected tomorrow so we can bask in the radiation of a zillion channels.

Ahh... the luxury.

Our condolences go out to Sean, whose Jeep mysteriously caught on fire while being towed behind his parental unit's motorhome on the way to Illinois.

Not feeling too good today. Didn't sleep well last night was sweating like a madman. Oh well.

Friday, 2 November 2007


It is truly difficult to convey to you the scope and beauty of our shiny new Sony Bravia 46" KDL46XBR4. It fills the room with picture and sound (having a small room helps though).

Even SD tv looks ok, and the quality from an xvid source is more than acceptable. Ahh. Our HD satellite feed will be connected on Monday!

I don't think these pictures do it justice.... this it he laptop running through it at 1920x1080.

As you can see everything is crystal clear and the colours are delightful.

Well anyway. We finished watching the first season of Dexter (thanks Bonne) last night. Not bad, not bad. I'd recommend you take a look if you accidentally happened to have some episodes lying around.

Yesterday I spend most of the day fitting the holding tank heaters to the black/grey water tanks. Unfortunately one of the 2 I bought for the black doesn't fit, so we're left with a spare one. Grrrrr...

After that we wrapped some heat tape around the hose, and insulated it with sticky foam/aluminium stuff. The turd looks like it's docked with the ISS. Must take a picture.

I also banged my head on a nice hard sharp metal post. Rockin'!!

Now I just need to know whether all these bloody heaters are even working or not!! Guess we have to wait until it gets COLD.