Friday, 16 November 2007

Snow and Alternation

This is the scene that greeted my emergence from the turd this morning.

I wasn't actually able to get out at first, as we'd left the awning slightly down and under the weight of the snow it was stopping the door from opening.

Thankfully I managed to get through the small crack that the door could open (well I guess it can't be that small, because nether am I).

I then had the pleasure of getting all the snow off the roof without my gloves, as I couldn't get in...

All the plants were covered in snow....

Ahh a rustic, winter scene. The turd, and the Jeep amongst the white...

With all that snow on top of it, the camouflage is even more effective.

Apparently the satellite doesn't work very well with snow on it. You can see the precision engineered plywood skirting around the bottom of the turd. I need to get a couple more pieces to finish it off.

Ahh... tree...

This will be our Christmas tree this year, once Blip Industries gets their waterproof LED lights ready (*hint hint Ben*).

The picnic table, on which I will be some kind of gnarly tricks later on this season (most likely some kind of bone breaking one).

Here are the log cabins that are just next to us. They look much nicer in the snow.

So you might think to yourself that today wouldn't be a great day to crawl around under the Jeep. After putting it off yesterday, I thought it best to get the alternator replacement procedure done before any MORE snow....

...and it's done successfully! Thanks to the weather for starting to RAIN about half way through it though. I can assure you that lying in the slush is about as much fun as it sounds. Brr..

Well I'm off to return the old alternator to get my $60 core charge back, find some lunch, and do the washing. I rule.

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