Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Peace at Last

After a weekend of working, boy it's nice and peaceful here now.
The levels of bullshit and awkwardness are now officially zero.
Now all we need to do is wait for the lawsuits to start. ROFLMAO.


Last night we went out for celebratory drinks with my boss, and I spent today feeling seedy.

It's raining on the turd right now, but that means it's SNOWING! Tomorrow I'm going to get up super-early and have breakfast on the mountain and rock it out before everyone else. Yeah.

On Friday I managed to get a demo board. Further putting nails in the Vapor's coffin. It wasn't even a great board (some Salomon thing). But it was MUCH more flexible than the Vapor, held its edge better, turned better, landed better. In general it was just bloody better. How annoying.

There is definitely a new board in the wings before we hit the snow again. I'm looking forward to seeing what Lib Tech come up with for 09...


Anonymous said...

Go travel more! Your blog is SOOOOOO un-roadmovie my jaw got stuck when yawning. Am I supposed to read how you bore yourself to death playing video games just at some random place instead of home?


Euan said...

I like ur blog, it's what a tour should be, staying long enough in places to make the most of it....actually being welcome by people of another culture to stay long enough to make friends/enemies.

Mixed in with periods of travel and some good ol fashion "road trips".....but then again, I guess that's a luxury when you're not on the run, huh?

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you guys are but I randomly came across your blog and I can honestly say it rocks my world.

On a totally different note, I was reading an article on medicinenet.com that explained that ‘Lockjaw’ could be a symptom of tetanus. If someone’s jaw is stuck I seriously recommend they have that $h!t checked out.

Love lots,
Mags... I mean anonymous.

P.S. How are those neighbours going that you were telling me were full of shit?