Monday, 10 March 2008

Squamish, Guitar Hero, Apple Cider

On Friday we took a drive down to Squamish, which is the larger of the two closest towns to Whistler (the other being Pemberton, which we've been to before).

At the risk of incurring the wrath of anyone who lives there, I'm going to say that the only two attractions to Squamish are Wal Mart, and the Home Depot. A sad indictment indeed on a town if large American chain stores are your best feature. Perhaps I just missed all of the other cool things that are just around the corner in that dark seedy alley with Uncle Billy Bob.

We stocked up on toiletries and such at Wal Mart (which despite being more expensive than the USA, is still significantly cheaper than Whistler) and also managed to pick up a copy of Guitar Hero III for the x360.

On our return, the small plastic Gibson was fired up, and *I ROCK THE GUITAR*. Not as much as Fletcher rocks a real guitar, but who needs reality when you have a small plastic guitar with bright colour buttons on it.

Several apple ciders later, I had finished the game on the easiest difficulty. I rock. I'm not sure what it is recently, but I've developed a penchant for apple flavoured drinks. I blame Wix and the Appletini for starting it off. I'm not sure that cider is the way to go to get my apple fix though.

Yesterday was work and a hangover. Bliss.
Today is work, and no hangover. Much better.

Must dash!

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