Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Work, SuperBowl

If you're wondering why no updates, it's because I've been working some pretty long days.

So here's a quick recap....

Hit the mountains with Kat and Jacqui. I think everyone had a good day. We headed over to Harmony which is on the other side of Whistler and fiddled around in the powder bowls there. Fine times, except the cloud made the first 1/3 of the mountain a bit treacherous. Who needs to see anyway huh?

Everyone's rockin' the little kickers in the terrain park, and hitting natural features around the trees. Mad skillz.

Arrived at work laden with our laptop and such, to find that someone had removed the card reader. You might guess correctly that I was seriously pissed off, as I'd looked at my card reader before leaving the turd and deliberately not taken it because there is normally one at work.

So an hour and a trip back to Whistler later, I was ready to get started. Thankfully I only missed the first tour.....

Slow day.

SuperBowl day! Pity I was at work. I studiously avoided any chance of hearing the result all day.

What a game. Sadly for the Patriots their hopes for a perfect season have been dashed by the Giants. Despite being tired, I stayed up and watched the game I'd recorded. Man what a last 30 seconds where Eli Manning and the Giants made a drive to convert a touchdown to win the game.

Eli might not be as famous or well regarded as his older brother Peyton, but hey - he's got a SuperBowl ring too now....

Yes yes yes, I know you all don't give a shit. Go away.

Well I'm off to work again this morning. It's a SERIOUSLY slow day.

Much love....


Anonymous said...

Yo Rogg-ewe,
We even had the superbowl up on the plasma in the Service Desk. That last Giants play was pretty god stuff. Jeffers got sick of explaining what the hell was going on for me but I liked it.

Thanks for the update and have a shower - you can be sure that Kat can tell when you skip one!

Leigh said...

My lordy, you're still alive TCB.

Well done. You all need to renege your love of AFL, and switch to NFL.

Play some Madden suckers!!!