Thursday, 21 February 2008

Lazy Ass Motherfucker

After a disappointing day on the mountain yesterday I've decided to give my ankle a rest for a day or two.

The only thing I was rockin' yesterday was my bad mood, so perhaps a day sitting around in the RV working on other people's computers will help. Hah!

I've finally found a sport that I could be a professional at - check this video out.

Well as I have nothing interesting to say myself, how about a round-up of interesting things I've read this morning while eating my breakfast?

This lamp is powered by a weight that slowly falls from the top to the bottom over a period of around 4 hours. Yes you pull the weight up yourself, but the trick is that it doesn't require any existing energy infrastructure! Perfect!!

One for Dr. Shinners. No more will you need to use that stinky mouse my friend!

You can look this one up yourself, but proving Sony has beaten my feeble predictions, Toshiba have announced that they will be withdrawing HD-DVD from sale.

I imagine this has been right up there with my blow-by-blow description of the final moments of NFL games. Pfft. Write your own blog then!

Oh, I almost forgot! The parts for the Jeep have been shipped! Thank fuck for that. Whilst I love kickin' it with the common folk on PT... well ok, you got me. I don't. Fine.

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