Saturday, 26 January 2008

Tuning, Riding, Lesson

This morning Kat von Shred went up the mountain to have a lesson.

As is my morning duty I arose to make her coffee, and prepare breakfast and lunch, only to be informed that her ladyship didn't require sandwiches.

If you'd paid attention to yesterday's entry, you will remember that this morning I was going to tune the snowboard. In case you're not gnarly enough to know what tuning entails, here's a brief summary:

1. Remove burrs from the base side of the edge using a stone (similar to one you'd use for sharpening a knife).

2. Apply a 90 degree angle to the side edge with an edge tool (basically a file in a guide which sets the angle for you).

3. Smooth the new edge gently with the stone.

4. Clean the base of the board (normally you'd use base cleaner, but I forgot to get any so I used normal household cleaner - conveniently I forgot it had bleach in it, so my brand new Burton hoody has a few faint bleach marks on it - IDIOT!!!)

5. Wax the board.

6. Make sandwiches for my lunch. (Technically this is optional, but good for hunger)

This took me an hour or so, including some Forza2 in between steps. Rockin.

Met Kat on the mountain, and had a light afternoon's riding. The board was lighting quick, and more responsive with the sharper edges. I rule.

Tomorrow's Australia Day here, but you've already had it. Happy Australia Day I guess. I'll be hanging around the RV playing Forza. Wooooooo!!

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