Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Frozen Jeep, Mountain Stomping

This morning we awoke to a frozen up Jeep.

Normally when we know that it's going to be really cold at night we crack the doors so that they aren't frozen shut, but last night we were caught by surprise.

So this morning all the doors were frozen shut. I managed to get the drivers door open (always a good thing) but then it wouldn't latch shut.

I drove Kat to work holding the door closed. On the way home I got the door to stay shut by locking it.

Unfortunately when I arrived back at the RV, the door wouldn't open again.......

.....so I had to climb out the window.

Very annoying. Luckily during the day everything defrosted, and Kat was kind enough to open the doors - tomorrow I hope there won't be a repeat of the issue.

I hope.

Spent 6 hours up the mountain today. Didn't feel like I made any breakthroughs, but also didn't go backwards. Blackcomb had been fully groomed, so was kind of boring. Made my way through the trees a few times and a bit off the beaten track to try and find some powder - was ok I spose.

Last run of the day was on Whistler - was definitely better today - which is unusual.

Just finished trying to diagnose a Vista/Skype problem with my old man. No luck.

Ben enjoyed the privilege of the MooseCam(tm). You win, Ben.


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