Thursday, 24 July 2008

Bison Extravaganza, Chungs, Messy Kat, Farewell

Right then, here I am, flying solo in the Turd. Jolly good. It’s very quiet in here, but I’m pleased to report that it’s still brown.

First up, it’s BISON EXRAVAGANZA!!!

Well the first set are from the beginning of our tenure at Yosemite, and feature a showcase of grazing bison. Mmm those yellow flowers look SOOO tasty n’est pas??


It’s amazing to think that in the mid-19th century there were probably more than 60 million bison on the plains of the USA. Sadly they were hunted nearly to extinction for their skins, and to deprive the American Indians of a food source. Even though it’s more than a hundred years ago now, it’s scary to think that Americans were basically pursuing a policy of obliterating the indigenous people here. Still, I guess we can’t talk given our track record with our indigenous Australian brothers and sisters.


It’s also amazing that despite their vast size, bison are vegetarians. Who said you can’t grow up big and strong without eating meat. Apparently they’re rather dangerous – despite their size and apparent docility, more than 50 stupid tourists are injured each year at Yellowstone by bison. Good on them I say, we witnessed people behaving like absolute idiots around them.


Next up the bison from the morning of our departure from Yellowstone. They really decided to put on a bit of a show for us – there were small herds of them everywhere.


Next up the bison from the morning of our departure from Yellowstone. They really decided to put on a bit of a show for us – there were small herds of them everywhere.


As you can see in this picture, bison can swim….


They can also walk down the road as well. I’m afraid these were shot from the drivers seat in the Turd, so no National Geographic candidates here!



I have no idea how you tell the males and the females apart, aside from the obvious…. but you go under there and check, I’ll wait here.


Chungs and Messy Kat
While we were at Yosemite we ran out of food, but were lucky enough to find a brand of egg rolls (commonly known as a “spring roll” in Australiaville) manufactured by the legend himself.


Surprisingly even though they’re made from “white meat chicken” (whatever the hell that is) they were quite tasty…. even “Chung’s Famous Sweet & Sour Sauce” was pretty nice.


Mmm… deep fried goodness. For some reason Kat was having a little difficulty putting the beer in her mouth… Shame!!


I think you’ll agree with me that this is a superb look.

Well I haven’t been posting much, as we’ve been busy basking in our last week together – Pleasanton is LOVELY (although it’s so white… the only ethnics are the ones mowing the lawns….) and San Francisco is a great place. Super relaxing.

It was weird to think that after 12 months trying to kill each other living together in a small brown box, we suddenly would be apart. Even I, with my cold robot interior, shed a few tears. Several in fact. Although that was just from the air conditioning.

Kat had her last breakfast in the Turd…


…and bid a sad farewell to our trusty travelling companions.


I think the Jeep was a big distraught, as it refused to start a couple of times after Kat left.


Then it was off to SFO. Took me freaking ages to get home, and the BART had a few crazies on it – even though it was peak our – in contrast to Melbourne, where you only get crazies during non-peak hours.

The Turd was very empty when I got home. So I cracked open some vino. That helped.

That fool David sent me an e-mail today saying…

“Hi Leigh, Is there an update on what's going on with you and my things from the motorhome?”

I swear we must live on different planets, since when we last spoke I asked him to send me a list of what he wanted…. which I have not received.

Today I helped a little old lady from next door remove and retrieve her broken satellite dish from the top of her gigantic RV. I'm such a good bloke. She gave me $10 as well.

Tomorrow I will start a little cardio training to get myself buff for Burning Man. Last thing I want is to be walking around fat, and naked.

Oh, for those in Melbourne, Princess Katherine has arrived – you may book appointments with her on the usual number.

PS - Happy Birthday to Knox whose encouragement today spurred me on to actually make a post!

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