Friday, 2 May 2008

Cougar Mountain Park, Valve Extensions, Sealing Tape, Kat's NEW Camera

As advertised we headed over to Cougar Mountain Park.

We avoided the interstates and drove down what I assume counts as the back-streets.
There were some seriously fine houses near the park, and a school too. Imagine going to school just near a wildlife park. Kinda cool.

Sadly, the park itself wasn't that interesting. We hiked down to "fantastic erratic" - a large boulder that was a glacial erratic. Actually this rock is mentioned in the wikipedia entry!!

At this point I discovered that whilst I had more than 10kg of camera equipment, I did not have a memory card. Who's an idiot? That's right, I'm an idiot.

All in all, the park was kind of boring to be honest. I'm guessing that because it's early spring, the wildlife is all still getting ready to start growing. It was nice to be in nature though, and we felt like we were completely alone in the park as we didn't see another person on the trails.

After a long uphill return to the Jeep, we decided to call it a day. Doesn't look like either of us will be running (or walking) a marathon any time soon. I suppose 3-4 miles isn't too bad given it wasn't flat at all....

In the afternoon I fitted the valve extensions to the inner of the dual wheels on the turd. While fitting them I discovered that one of them was leaking. After a bit of research I found that there's actually a tool to tighten the valve core, and it looks like this:

There's more than just a tightening tool on this 4-in-1 beauty (only five-dollar, including some spare cores) but I haven't had to delve into its mysteries yet.

The bit we're interested in is on the end here:

If you look at your car valve you will see the little pin you can depress to let air out, and further in something that would fit in the end of this tool (which is then screwed in or out depending on whether you're removing or replacing it). Fascinating huh?

I also put some sealing tape on the front of the roof of the turd - call me paranoid, but I have no desire for any more water to leak into the wooden roof. I'm pretty sure that a collapsed roof would be (a) expensive and (b) irritating.

Just to piss Mr. Piazza off, I decided that it was time for us to purchase a small camera that could practically be taken anywhere without fear of breakage or theft etc.

So Kat is now the proud owner of a little Canon A720IS point-and-shoot camera. At some point I want to try this CHDK application out, which unlocks all sorts of cool features (like RAW!) for most of the Canon A and S series camera. Check it out here....

Here are a couple of photos (not taken by me) exploiting the 1cm minimum focusing distance for macro work....

This morning we're off to Port Angeles which will be our gateway to the Olympic National Park.

Just for something different (and to save some time) we're going to catch the ferry across Puget Sound (that's the bit of water just West of Seattle by the way).

Better get cracking!

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