Sunday, 20 April 2008

Sick, Dinner, Sick, Turd

Man what a week it's been.

I have no idea what I've been sick with, but night-time has been a nightmare for me.

I'll go to sleep OK, but wake up an hour later, sweating so much that I'm scared I've wet the bed.

I've also been biting my tongue and cheek when I've been asleep, and somehow have been managing to snore while lying on my front. I've also been kind of delirious with strange half-waking dreams.

I've watched documentaries on corn production, first world healthcare systems, the history of photography, and countless hours of other random stuff.

What a super way to end the season.

Anyway. Enough complaining. On Thursday night we had dinner with Tom and Barb some of our neighbours in the campground. Turns out they used to make their own wines (and port) so there was plenty of vino flowing. A very pleasant evening indeed.

Of course, this led to more sickness on Friday, and Friday night. Someone went out partying.
I stayed home like a good housewife.

Saturday morning I felt kind of OK, so changed the oil in the turd.
That's of course what you do when you're feeling better, when you're Mr. Rugged like myself.

Can you believe it though kids, there are now only TWO MORE SLEEPS until we're on the road again. I can't believe it's over, and I'm wondering what I'll do with myself without a board or fins strapped to my feet. I know, bicycle! YEAH!!!

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