Wednesday, 30 May 2007

The last remaining minutes...

It's 17:41 Eastern Standard time.

I have 1 day, 23 hours, 18 minutes to go in my current incarnation as a working man.

I'd like to say that this causes anything other than joyful feelings. But I can't because I would be lying.

So a brief schedule for the next few weeks (yes I know you are all giddy with the excitement!).

Week of 11th of June:
MEL --> SIN - we will hopefully be staying with an old mate of mine, The Cuz. Yes he warrents the word "the" in his title. I will spend another small fortune on camera equipment. Inspect the goodness at

Once done there, we'll cross the border into Malaysia, and probably head up the west coast to Malaka and surrounds, on the way to KL.

Sometime early July we will fly from KL to Kota Kinabalu and do some Borneo stuff.
13th of July we will be on the Seaventures oil riggy thing for some diving at Sipadan.

Hopefully after this I we will either shoot into Indonesia to check out Derawan etc, and then I'll do muh D I V E M A S T E R stuff.

Correct. Stay tuned for post-work, pre-flying update.


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